发明名称 Fire Extinguishing Device and Extinguishing Head
摘要 The fire extinguishing device is equipped with double-flow extinguishing head including side and central header, water pump /P/ connected to an extinguishing liquid source, particularly to water tank /W1/, auxiliary tank /W2/ including the proportioning system, particularly for foaming agent, connected to the water pump /P/ circuit, compressor /S/, and a dual-line fire-hose whose water-line is connected to the side header and delivery side of the water pump /P/ and the gas-line is connected to the central header and the compressor /S/. The water pump /P/ is connected to hose water-line through two-way shut-off valve /Z4/, whose second pass is connected, by connecting conduit, to the fire-hose gas-line through the first non-return valve /ZZ1/ and foam mixer /M/. The foam mixer /M/ and gas-line are connected to the circuit of compressor /S/ through shut-off valves /Z5, Z6/. Moreover the outlet of extinguishing head is furnished with at least one inner gas-nozzle of convergent-divergent profile and inner water-gap of annular cross-section formed by a sleeve /4/ situated coaxially around the inner gas-nozzle. The extinguishing head has a double-flow body /7/ including water and gas header, inner gas-nozzle of convergent-divergent profile and inner water-gap of annular cross-section formed by a sleeve /4/ situated coaxially around the inner gas-nozzle. The inner water-gap, formed by the sleeve /4/, has at its outlet a water-nozzle situated at an angle from 0° to 45°, preferable divergently, towards to the inner gas-nozzle axis and the sleeve /4/ makes an inner part of the second gas-nozzle /2/ of convergent-divergent profile and annular cross-section situated coaxially towards to the inner gas-nozzle. In other version of the head the inner water-gap, formed by the sleeve /4/, has at its outlet a water-nozzle situated divergently at not over 45° angle towards to the inner gas-nozzle axis and the inner gas-nozzle creates the first gas-nozzle /1′/of annular cross-section with coaxially situated inner element /6/. The inner element /6/ is ended at the nozzle outlet with conical surface divergent at an acute angle towards to the inner gas-nozzle axis.
申请公布号 US2010218957(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.09.02
申请号 US20060916656 申请日期 2006.05.29
分类号 A62C31/02 主分类号 A62C31/02
代理机构 代理人