发明名称 Boat Cover
摘要 A boat cover for a suspended cover system that is configured to fit a boat in a manner that prevents relative movement therebetween minimizing wear. The cover has at least one fitting seam that follows part of the top of the boat. An integral cover cinching arrangement enables tightening the bottom of the cover against the hull hugging it. Vents overlying a passenger section minimize wind force by reducing cover pressure differential. The cover can be equipped with a second fitting seam that extends along the gunwale of the boat and can have a downwardly extending fitting seam section that extends below the gunwale toward the bow to help fit the cover to the front portion of the hull of the boat. Stretchable straps used to hang the cover from a track of the boat cover system can be used to minimize force on the cover caused by wave action.
申请公布号 US2009293797(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.12.03
申请号 US20090426241 申请日期 2009.04.18
分类号 B63B17/00 主分类号 B63B17/00
代理机构 代理人