发明名称 A method for ethernet and electric power cabling
摘要 Present invention outlines a structured wiring methodology for installing a premise-wide distributed Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) featuring Broadband Points with Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) and Electrical Sockets, allowing connection to Broadband Appliances. The necessary LAN and electrical cabling stays entirely within a Beading (or Casing and Capping), which recursively loops along the skirting level of the walls within the premise. This does not disturb the aesthetics of an existing premise, as the Beading merges with the skirting outline, or can be concealed within the wall itself. Each end of the looped Beading can be terminated on a dual Broadband Gateway, which provides WAN and global Internet connectivity. The looped Beading provides immunity against a single failure of Electronic boards (within Broadband Points or Gateway) or single cut in the cables. Ethernet connection cord can be as thin and flexible as that in telephones, and thinner than that for USB appliances. Furthermore, at the appliance end it is possible to use a tiny RJ-11 plug (used in telephones), which can get embedded within the appliance itself, instead of the traditional RJ-45 plug, which is bigger. The thin connection cord and the tiny RJ-11 plug, is more compact than the USB cord and connector, and doesn't have the latter's restriction of length and the available DC power. The Broadband appliances thus can tap the full bandwidth of 100 MB Ethernet, while not compromising on handling and ergonomic aspects.
申请公布号 ZA200802066(B) 申请公布日期 2009.10.28
申请号 ZA20080002066 申请日期 2008.03.05
分类号 G06F 主分类号 G06F
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