发明名称 Flux linked LC tank circuits forming distributed clock networks
摘要 CMOS LC tank circuits and flux linkage between inductors can be used to distribute and propagate clock signals over the surface of a VLSI chip or processor. The tank circuit offers an adiabatic behavior that recycles the energy between the reactive elements and minimizes losses in a conventional sense. Flux linkage can be used to orchestrate a number of seemingly individual and distributed CMOS LC tank circuits to behave as one unit. In one example, the distribution of a 45° separated multi-phase balanced oscillations over the surface of die 1.6 cmx1.6 cm at 10 GHz is expected to dissipate under 10 W and offers a potential to significantly reduce the road map predictions of 100 W. Simulations of several CMOS tank circuits indicate that the power dissipation can be reduced an order of magnitude when compared to conventional techniques. A passive flux linkage, mechanical, and finite state machine technique of frequency adjustment of an oscillator are described.
申请公布号 US7511588(B2) 申请公布日期 2009.03.31
申请号 US20050185001 申请日期 2005.07.19
分类号 H03B5/12 主分类号 H03B5/12
代理机构 代理人