发明名称 An educational board game apparatus and method
摘要 An educational game is provided. The game includes a question set of 'priming questions', a question set of "token questions", a playing surface with a number of zones, each zone relating to an individual subject matter and a pathway of playing positions where at least one of the positions is marked to indicate a priming question, at least one indicates a token question and where the pathway continues into another playing zone. The game also includes a movement generator and a playing piece for each player. The rules of the game include: when a playing piece is associated with a priming question, a player is asked a priming question. If the correct answer is given the player is asked a token question. If the answer is correct to the token question, the player achieves a token. If the player incorrectly answers a priming question or a token question, play passes to the next person. The priming questions are characterised in that they are designed to facilitate the ability of a player to correctly answer the token question.
申请公布号 NZ543563(A) 申请公布日期 2008.10.31
申请号 NZ20050543563 申请日期 2005.11.11
分类号 (IPC1-7):A63F3/00;A63F9/18 主分类号 (IPC1-7):A63F3/00
代理机构 代理人