发明名称 Method of Processing Postal Items Including Management of Digital Fingerprints of the Postal Items
摘要 The invention concerns a method for processing postal packets including managing digital impressions of the postal packets. In a method for processing postal packets, during a preliminary sorting of the packets, a digital image of a packet comprising an address information is formed, a digital impression (V-Id) is derived from said image which constitutes a logical identifier for the packet and the packet impression is recorded in memory corresponding to data indicating the packet address information, and during a second sorting of the packets, a digital image of a current packet is formed again ( 51 ) comprising an address information, a digital impression for the current packet is derived ( 52 ) from said image and a search is performed among the recorded impressions in the preliminary sorting for a match with the current packet impression. During the preliminary sorting, the impressions of successive packets are associated in memory with corresponding chronological serial numbers. During the second sorting, for one series of impressions of successive packets for which a match has been obtained with impressions recorded in memory a first series of corresponding chronological serial numbers is retrieved ( 61 ), for a current packet a chronological serial number estimated from said series of chronological serial number is calculated and a search for a match of the current packet impression based on said estimated chronological serial number is performed ( 63 ).
申请公布号 US2008149540(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.06.26
申请号 US20050562973 申请日期 2005.12.01
分类号 B07C3/00 主分类号 B07C3/00
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