发明名称 System for sales, distribution, and copyright protection of architectural drawings
摘要 The system for sales, distribution, and copyright protection of architectural drawings is a proof of purchase based, copyright enforcement system, which can be verified during the application for a building permit. This makes it possible to sell home plans as merchandise, directly to a shopper. Home plans, offered in permit-ready format, carry a disclaimer which voids their applicability without a voucher. The voucher is separate from the actual drawings, and may appear in any form, such as a ticket or certificate, but for descriptive purposes, shall be described here as a dated receipt. The shopper makes his purchase, and is given a dated receipt. This receipt must be presented to the building official when applying for a building permit. Although this system does not guarantee building approval, it operates as a checkpoint during the process. If drawings are not accompanied by the required receipt, the drawings are rendered null and void, and the permit application does not continue. If no receipt is presented, it may indicate that the drawings have been copied or stolen. If the date has expired, it may indicate that the original drawings have been modified, resold, or there is an attempt to build multiple structures from the single plan purchase. This proof of purchase voucher system replaces current methods of copyright protection, which are difficult to enforce.
申请公布号 US2008040128(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.02.14
申请号 US20060472647 申请日期 2006.08.10
分类号 G06Q30/00 主分类号 G06Q30/00
代理机构 代理人