发明名称 Method for frequency synchronization
摘要 A popular way to achieve frequency synchronization between devices (2, 3) over a packet-switched network (1) is by time stamping packets upon sending and receiving and analyzing sequences of time stamps at the receiver's side. The proposed invention gives a method to compute continuous accurate estimates of the frequency difference of sender and receiver clock as required e.g, in TDM circuit emulation over packet-switched networks (1). The essence of the invention is to segregate effects from clock frequency deviation from network dynamics. This segregation is achieved by estimating the minimal delay of the transmission over the network (1) from sequences of time stamps pairs. The method considers a history (h n ) of tuples (m, d) associated with packets. A tuples (m, d) consist of packet number (m) and difference (d) of receiver time and sender time. The method then successively upgrades the lower convex hull on a small superset of the tuples (m, d) in the history when new packets arrive. The method estimates the clock frequency difference by computing a «tangent» to this hull, i.e. by solving the associated linear programming on the superset. We denote that only the data of the hull needs to be kept in the memory of the receiver and not the full history data.
申请公布号 EP1785802(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.05.16
申请号 EP20050024534 申请日期 2005.11.10
分类号 G06F1/10;H04J3/06 主分类号 G06F1/10
代理机构 代理人