发明名称 Secret-ballot systems with voter-verifiable integrity
摘要 An election system provides, in one example, each voter with multiple physical "layers" that the voter is able to choose between. The voter takes part of the layers as a kind of receipt and the other layers are retained and/or destroyed by the system. The actual vote is not readily revealed by the layers taken by the voter, thus protecting against improper influence. In the voting booth, when all the layers are combined, however, the voter is readily able to verify the vote. Moreover, posted images of the layers not taken by the voter can be used to compute the election results in a way that is verifiable by interested parties. The results cannot be changed without substantial probability of detection and privacy of votes can be maintained unless a number of parties are compromised or collude.
申请公布号 US7210617(B2) 申请公布日期 2007.05.01
申请号 US20030348547 申请日期 2003.01.21
分类号 G07C13/00 主分类号 G07C13/00
代理机构 代理人