发明名称 Method and apparatus for correcting an internal call/return stack in a microprocessor that detects from multiple pipeline stages incorrect speculative update of the call/return stack
摘要 An internal call/return stack (CRS) correction apparatus in a pipelined microprocessor is disclosed. Each time the microprocessor updates the CRS in response to a call or return instruction (call/ret), the microprocessor also stores correction information into a first correction stack. The microprocessor includes two distinct stages that detect invalidating events, such as a branch misprediction or exception. Once a call/ret passes the first detecting stage, the correction information associated with that call/ret is moved from the first correction stack to a second correction stack. If an invalidating event is detected at the upper detecting stage, then only the correction information in the first stack is used to correct the CRS. However, if an invalidating event is detected at the lower detecting stage, then the correction information in both the first and second stack is used to correct the CRS.
申请公布号 US7178010(B2) 申请公布日期 2007.02.13
申请号 US20030643338 申请日期 2003.08.19
分类号 G06F9/30;G06F9/00;G06F9/38;G06F9/40;G06F15/00 主分类号 G06F9/30
代理机构 代理人