发明名称 Partial FFT processing and demodulation for a system with multiple subcarriers
摘要 Techniques for efficiently performing partial FFT for subcarriers of interest are described. The N total subcarriers may be arranged into M sets. Each set may contain K subcarriers uniformly distributed across the N total subcarriers, where M.K=N. For the partial FFT, pre-processing is initially performed on time-domain samples to obtain intermediate samples. The pre-processing may include performing M-point FFTs on the time-domain samples and multiplying the FFT outputs with unit complex values. For each set of subcarriers of interest, a K-point FFT is performed on a set of intermediate samples to obtain a set of frequency-domain symbols for that set of subcarriers. Since K is typically much smaller than N, substantial savings in computation and power may be realized when only one or few sets of subcarriers are of interest.
申请公布号 US2006215777(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.09.28
申请号 US20060372397 申请日期 2006.03.08
分类号 H04K1/10 主分类号 H04K1/10
代理机构 代理人