发明名称 Personal item reminder
摘要 <p>A system and method are provided for allowing users to verify the presence of personal items. RFID tags are attached to personal items, and the items are entered into a list. The user makes travel lists from the list of items. When traveling, the user queries the system to determine whether all personal items in the travel list are within range of the system. The system checks for the presence of the RFID tags associated with the items in the travel list. If any RFIDs are not present, the user is alerted. Optionally, the system updates the last known location of items whenever checking for the presence of personal items, so that if an item is not found the user can determine where the item was last known to have been.</p>
申请公布号 EP1672603(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.06.21
申请号 EP20050301042 申请日期 2005.12.13
分类号 G08B13/14 主分类号 G08B13/14
代理机构 代理人