发明名称 Method of reducing loss in power transmission systems, electrical systems and electronics
摘要 Advances in oligomeric siloxane coatings applied as reactive silanols have arisen in the past several years that offer opportunities to solve problems that could not be addressed with traditional coating materials and methods. Although this class of new coatings is normally cited only for their corrosion resistance, they also exhibit the unusual phenomenon of having electron deficient surfaces. The electron deficient surface is formed as the coating cures in that organic radical groups from the silanes used in the formulation are forced to the surface of the coating. The silica atoms in the silicon oxygen structure below retain electrons skewing the electron cloud downward creating an electron deficient or net positively charged surface. The resultant surface discourages light hydrogen bonding of contaminants, thereby reducing leakage paths, particularly on insulators. Further, the surfaces to do not corrode for very extended periods of time as the siloxane coating covalently bonds with oxides or hydroxyl groups on the surfaces coated, using up the available chemical activity and providing a non-porous barrier to connections. This unique positively charged surface further exhibits both hydrophobic and oleophobic qualities allowing rain water or heavy dew to clean the system from oily contaminants, organic compounds from combustion or industrial processes, microbial and mold growth, and salt.
申请公布号 US2006083861(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.04.20
申请号 US20050112542 申请日期 2005.04.22
分类号 B05D5/12 主分类号 B05D5/12
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