摘要 The present invention relates to a self-adjusting chair back consisting of two vertical sides VS. The two sides are forming a chair back with an anatomical profile in the way that the horizontal cross-section is concave in the complete height of the chair back, while the vertical cross-section is convex in the lumbal zone, and concave above this zone. Dependent on the sitting position (straight up or backward), and on the body dimensions of the user, the vertical sides VS of the chair back are bended backward and move apart, thus changing the vertical and horizontal profile of the chair back. The lumbal support remains in all sitting positions in a fixed position in respect to the chair construction. The sides VS are connected to the sit S or to the' chair construction with their rigid parts 1. Each of the vertical sides VS has a middle part 2 with inclined bending zones of decreased cross section in respect to parts 1, and with the height corresponding to the lumbal support. Above the parts 2 of each of the vertical side VS, there are parts 3 which are concave and rigid. In the variant I the parts 3 of the vertical sides VS are connected one to the other with the elastic bond 4. In the variant 11the parts 3 of the vertical sides VS are not connected, but there is an arch-­shaped bended part of the arm-rest behind them.
申请公布号 WO2005117652(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.12.15
申请号 WO2005YU00016 申请日期 2005.05.16
分类号 A47C7/44;A47C7/46;(IPC1-7):A47C7/44 主分类号 A47C7/44
代理机构 代理人