发明名称 Interrupted flow rapid confirmatory immunological testing device and method
摘要 A self-contained device using a gravitationally encouraged, interrupted downward and programmed flow of fluid to provide for rapid confirmatory immunological testing ("RCIT") in a point-of-care setting. A fluid specimen such as blood, saliva or urine is deposited into a first chamber carrying a colloidal conjugate of antigens or antibodies pathogenically specific to the condition being tested and premixed with a first measured, reactive mix buffer solution carried within an openable tank. Alternately, the buffer solution is preformulated to carry the colloidal conjugate in suspension. The premixture flows out of the first chamber toward chromatographic test strips having a single layer of uniformly dispersed porous matrix material such as polyethylene and inclined in a downward flow orientation. The flow is interrupted by a holding reservoir which is drained by siphoning, gravity and capillary forces. The delayed and regulated flow provides an incubation time for a better affinity binding of the specimen. In one embodiment, after a waiting period a bladder containing a stop-wash buffer solution is opened to flow into the reservoir and onto the strips. An absorbant pad collects excess fluid at the bottom end of the strips. It is a rapid confirmatory immunological test device having an analytical panel which can provide profile diagnostic results.
申请公布号 US2005186111(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.08.25
申请号 US20050090463 申请日期 2005.03.25
分类号 G01N21/00;(IPC1-7):G01N21/00 主分类号 G01N21/00
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