发明名称 Stabilised circuit to generate current - pulses for exploding wires
摘要 <p>Current pulses of up to 5000 amps in less than 0.5.10-6 secs are produced and can be distributed to one or more exploding wires over distances up to 15m via coaxial cables. The circuit is stabilised to permit operation from -50 to +70 degrees C, automatically charges a capacitor stops the charge at a predetermined level and discharges through the wire. safety devices to indicate a capacitor short circuit and to permit slow discharge (10 sec) may be incorporated. The device is used to simulate nuclear or conventional underwater explosions for cinemicrophotography, for plasma studies etc.</p>
申请公布号 FR2041346(A5) 申请公布日期 1971.01.29
申请号 FR19690012514 申请日期 1969.04.22
分类号 F42D1/05;(IPC1-7):42C11/00 主分类号 F42D1/05
代理机构 代理人