发明名称 Transmission control device and process for an interface between communication networks and associated products
摘要 <p>The present invention concerns transmission control device (1) and process for an interface (10) between communication origin and access networks. Each data block (F) circulating in the origin network is liable to be segmented and transformed at the interface into cells (Ci) able to circulate in the access network, and intended to be sent successively from the interface.</p><p>The control device comprises means for classifying (3) the blocks intended for the access network, according to relative priorities, means for selecting (4) the next block intended for the access network, classified as having a highest priority, and means for successively sending (5) all the cells associated with that selected block.</p><p>It also comprises means for storing (6) information on the selected block, enabling to obtain the cells associated with that block, at least until all those cells have been sent in the access network, means for aborting (8) any current sending of cells associated with the selected block as soon as a new block being classified as having a higher priority arrives at the interface, and means for replacing (9) the aborted block with that newly arrived block, causing immediate sending of the cells associated with the latter. The selecting means further take into account the aborted block for selecting the next block to be sent, so that when that aborted block is selected again, the associated cells are completely retransmitted.</p>
申请公布号 EP1494402(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.01.05
申请号 EP20030447175 申请日期 2003.07.01
分类号 H04L12/54;H04L12/863;(IPC1-7):H04L12/56 主分类号 H04L12/54
代理机构 代理人