发明名称 Gas generator for producing oxygen gas comprises an electrolytic trough, a mixing chamber, a pump and a burner
摘要 Gas generator comprises an electrolytic trough (70) for the electrolytic decomposition of water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas; a mixing chamber (72) containing a required amount of solvent made of a carbon-hydrogen compound connected to the trough via a line (704) whose end is immersed in the solvent; a pump (74) for pumping air into the solvent; and a burner (76) connected to the trough via a first line (762) to deliver a gas mixture of oxygen and hydrogen to a blow tube in the burner and connected via a second line (764) to a mixing chamber (72). The burner has a head for igniting the gas delivered to the burner. The flame temperature and the heat in the burner are controlled by controlling the air feed rate and the volume of the pump. Preferred Features: The trough receives a direct voltage from a transformer (82) which transforms the voltage of an alternating current of an alternating current source (80).
申请公布号 IT1320735(B1) 申请公布日期 2003.12.10
申请号 IT2000TO01020 申请日期 2000.10.27
分类号 G01K 主分类号 G01K
代理机构 代理人