发明名称 Voice enabled personalized documents
摘要 Voice Enabled Personalized Documents are documents that are highly personalized to an audience of one. That is, we are creating one to one communication documents that are voice enabled. The overall concept is to take personalized documents that contain unique information to an individual and voice-enable them. By doing this, we open up several new forms of delivery of personalized documents to the audience of our customers. The product that we are planning to offer utilizes technology to produce and assemble personalized messages for each person in a group that is the target audience. The personalized documents that we produce will have audio that includes personal information, some examples of this are the persons name, membership information, information regarding activity with a group etc. With these messages we will provide highly personalized information to users using high quality speech that will be acceptable to the end audience. Coming at the market from the personalized documents perspective provides us the opportunity to look at the market from a new perspective. Elixir has been providing personalized documents to users in the form of printed, email and web sites for a number of years. We will now be providing the market with speech-enabled documents as well.
申请公布号 US2003177010(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.09.18
申请号 US20030384625 申请日期 2003.03.11
分类号 G10L13/08;(IPC1-7):G10L13/08 主分类号 G10L13/08
代理机构 代理人