发明名称 Graphical user interface for a remote operated vehicle
摘要 <p>A graphical user interface (GUI) for a remote operated vehicle (ROV) with an onboard video camera. A broad translucent compass bearing icon 120 is arranged horizontally with compass bearing marks that scroll to the left and right as the ROV moves to the right and left respectively, thereby giving the user visual feedback for steering the ROV as well as hard information relating to the bearing. The translucency allows a large icon area to be provided without blanking out the video footage. A long translucent depth icon 110 is arranged vertically with depth reading marks that scroll up and down as the ROV moves down and up respectively. A pan-and-tilt icon 100 at the top center of the screen gives user feedback as to the direction in which the ROV camera is pointing relative to the ROV. Status indicator icons 130, 140, 150, 160 are provided on the left side of the screen. These and the other icons are inserted and removed by special burn-in and fade-out processes to provide good visibility at the same time as continuity of viewing. A transient speed icon 170 shows changes in available power to the ROV thrusters.</p>
申请公布号 EP1308829(A2) 申请公布日期 2003.05.07
申请号 EP20020257022 申请日期 2002.10.10
分类号 G06F3/0481;(IPC1-7):G06F3/023 主分类号 G06F3/0481
代理机构 代理人