发明名称 Efficient method to describe hierarchical data structures
摘要 The present invention-called Efficient Description Language EDL-concerns methods to describe, parsers and generators of as well as systems storing, processing, transmitting or using arbitrary hierarchical data structures in a platform independent format and overcomes the prior art limitations using only a single starting respectively terminating character to introduce respectively terminate individual branches and data elements. Branches may contain any number of sub-branches and data elements in any order. The maximum nesting level of sub-branches is not limited. Branches and/or data elements may be anonymous or named and associated with a named type, multiple named attributes, default values or value range restrictions. EDL-documents may reference other EDL-documents to include them in the referencing document. Referenced documents may contain references to other EDL-documents, as long as no circular reference chain results. EDL-documents may include control statements to efficiently describe conditional or repeating content. EDL-documents are very easy to read, create and maintain by humans-even without extensive training-and can be generated, parsed and processed faster than platform independent documents in prior art languages. To describe identical data structures with identical content EDL-documents require on average ~50% less meta characters and ~33% less storage capacity and communication bandwidth compared to HTML, XML or SGML-documents. In total, EDL is more efficient than prior art platform independent languages and reduces the overall development, building, operation and maintenance costs of heterogenous distributed communication and information processing systems.
申请公布号 US2003033314(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.02.13
申请号 US20020161748 申请日期 2002.06.05
分类号 G06F17/30;(IPC1-7):G06F7/00 主分类号 G06F17/30
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