摘要 <p>A novel peptide sequence having the general formula AB wherein each of A and B represent a chain of amino acid residues and wherein said A chain is capable of binding with a mojor histocompatibility comples on an antigen presenting cell, and wherein said B chain is capable of binding wiht a Signal-2 receptor on an antigen presenting cell. Preferred forms of the peptide sequence further include and Y chain positioned intermediate the A chain and the B chain. Moreover, preferred forms include and A chain which has at least about 10% sequence homology with a Signal-1 moiety, or is a peptidomimetic of a Signal-1 moiety, said B chain has at least 10% sequence homology with a Signal-2 receptor moiety, said B chain has at least 10% sequence homology with a Signal-2 receptor moiety, or is a peptidomimetic of a Signal-2 receptpr moiety, and wherein the X chain has at least one amino acid residue, or is a peptidomimetic of that amino acid residue. Advantageously, the movel peptide sequence is capable of shifting a type-1 immune response to a type-2 immune response or from a type-2 immune response to a type-1 immune response.</p>
申请公布号 WO2002050250(A2) 申请公布日期 2002.06.27
申请号 US2001048632 申请日期 2001.12.17
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人