发明名称 Dynamic splint for carpal tunnel syndrome treatment
摘要 A method and appliance for the application of a continuous, low level force tending to oppose rotational movement of the hand about the carpus. This opposing force tends to relieve contractatures of the transverse carpal, volar carpal, and intra carpal ligaments over time, thus relieving the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome and correcting altered kinematics associated therewith. This opposing force tends to increase the carpal volume. According to the principles of the invention, a dynamic splint appliance is described which provides free movement of the patient's wrist with minimal impediment during activities of daily living, both at home and at work, while simultaneously applying this opposing force. The appliance consists of a forearm component to maintain alignment and to provide support and stabilization for a biasing means positioned on the ulnar side of the forearm, the biasing means consisting of a double coil spring located at approximately the ulnar side of the carpus and connected to a palmar component fastened to the ulnar side of the hand. The biasing component provides resistive force to volar glide in a manner which accurately models the kinematics of the carpus and forearm.
申请公布号 US2002035342(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.03.21
申请号 US20010998850 申请日期 2001.11.23
分类号 A61F5/01;(IPC1-7):A61F5/00 主分类号 A61F5/01
代理机构 代理人