摘要 <p>A receipt-signing and receipt-storage capability are integrated into consumer appliances that are used to effect secure purchases or purchase agreements. Set-top boxes having a 'Buy' button, for example, are configured to store a digitally-signed receipt during each secure 'buy' transaction. Electronic 'wallets' that are commonly used on a personal computer or palmtop computer to effect secure purchases are similarly configured to store a digitally-signed receipt corresponding to each transaction. The receipts may be stored locally at the transaction device, or at 'Receipt Warehouse' sites on the Internet. Each transaction device is assigned a public/private key pair by the manufacturer of the device. The manufacturer of the transaction device provides a digitally-signed copy of the public key, so that its authenticity can be verified. When a transaction is completed, the transaction device receives a copy of the purchase receipt or the purchase agreement, digitally signs it, and stores it for future access. When and if a dispute arises, the digitally signed receipts or agreements can be presented as evidence of the transaction. Because the transaction device effects this signing automatically upon receipt of the information via a secure connection, these digitally signed receipts and agreements should reduce the time and cost of resolving disputes by providing a verifiable record of the transaction.</p>
申请公布号 WO2002007493(A2) 申请公布日期 2002.01.24
申请号 EP2001007568 申请日期 2001.07.03
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人