发明名称 Global positioning system stamp machine
摘要 The purpose of the GPS3M is for tracking purposes, either personal or professional, enabling users of GPS3M technology to assign a unique number that can never be duplicated regardless of where or when the stamp is used. A "fingerprint" of matter, if you will-any matter-large or small-animate or inanimate. Reliance of the philosophy behind GPS3M is in the simple fact that no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. This uniqueness is what GPS3M is all about. GPS3M would be able to provide a simple mode of recording and retrieving information based on coordinates in time and space. GPS3M furthermore offers intuitive advantages that cross cultural barriers, and even technological ones, given that virtually all individuals on the planet by need of a means of communication have an inherent understanding of the nature of time and space. This inherent understanding is common grounds by which computers and software programs would as easily as the humans that made them be able to discern, allowing potential for communication amongst computers, any corresponding software applications, even humans especially in light of an impressive array of new as well as established means in data input, including cell phones with built in tracking signals, Personal Digital Assistants, and increasingly effective alphanumeric voice identification potential. GPS3M simply, with high degree of accuracy/ease/reliability, measures and stamps time and location in a manner understandable by entity of origin via use of alphanumeric symbols or digitization. Since one of the important purposes for GPS3M is communication amongst human and non-living computational applications, GPS3M by convention needs be recorded in both human and machine forms of input.
申请公布号 US2001052873(A1) 申请公布日期 2001.12.20
申请号 US20010879884 申请日期 2001.06.14
分类号 G01S19/48;G07C1/10;(IPC1-7):G01C21/26;G01C21/28;G01C21/30 主分类号 G01S19/48
代理机构 代理人