摘要 <p>A method and corresponding apparatus for communicating a controller area network (CAN) message between a sending node (10a), attached to a sending CAN network (14a), and a receiving node (10b, 18), where the sending and receiving nodes are interconnected by a TCP/IP network (16) the sending node (10a) extract the payload from a CAN message, embeds the CAN message payload in a TCP/IP data field of the TCP/IP frame, determines the address on the TCP/IP network of the receiving node corresponding to the CAN message identifier in the routing form table, and transmits the TCP/IP frame over the TCP/IP network (16) the receiving node (10b, 18) extracts the CAN message payload from the TCP/IP frame, and alters the identifier of the CAN message payload. In the case the receiving node (10b) is attached to a receiving CAN network, the altered identifier coresponds to the CAN message content of the receiving CAN network. Otherwise and if the receiving node (18) hosts a browser, the altered identifier corresponds to the CAN message content according to the preference of the user of the browser. The altering is performed by reference node (10a).</p>
申请公布号 WO2001045348(A2) 申请公布日期 2001.06.21
申请号 US2000033187 申请日期 2000.12.07
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人