摘要 <p>A customized mattress evaluation system (10) allows for uniquely designed mattresses based upon a particular customer's physical attributes. The system allows a retrail mattress store to collect data from a sensor pad (14) positioned on top of a support surface (12) to generate a pressure profile (18) for that person. The pressure profile and other information are used to calculate body type parameters (33) and to generate therefrom specific mattress design parameters or coefficients (22), which are then utilized in designing a specific mattress uniquely customized for that person. Body type coefficients (33) characteristic of an individual customer are correlated with coefficients (48) developed for test persons for which various bedding products (40) have been optimized. The optimization includes the rating of various bedding products for various body types by minimizing support pressures across the mattress and optimizing lumbar support for desired spinal curvature. For the testing of products, a machine (70) uses pressure pads (71) to replicate the body type parameters of the test persons for rating the bedding products as to suitability for providing optimum comfort and support for persons of the body types of the test persons.</p>
申请公布号 WO2000059346(A1) 申请公布日期 2000.10.12
申请号 US2000009372 申请日期 2000.04.07
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人