发明名称 System penetrating a computer or computer network
摘要 A computer network penetration test discovers vulnerabilities in the network using a number of scan modules. The scan modules perform their scanning of the network separately but in parallel. A scan engine controller oversees the data fed to and received from the scan modules, and controls the sharing of information among the modules according to data records and configuration files that specify how a user-selected set of penetration objectives should be carried out. The system allows for penetration strategies to be attempted simultaneously and independently. Information from each strategy is shared with other strategies so each can be more effective, and together they form a very comprehensive approach to network penetration. The strategies can be throttled at different levels to allow for those that are more likely to achieve success to run at the highest speeds. While most strategies collect information from the network, at least one dedicated one analyzes the data produced by the others according to a series of rules. This analysis reduces and refines data and simplifies the design of the various strategies. Data obtained through the various strategies are stored in such a way that new data types can be stored and processed without all the strategies having to be adjusted. Strategies are run according to whether or not they can help in achieving a specified objectives. The vulnerability scan is initiated by a user who specifies what targeted network resources to scan. From that point on, the scan is data driven and models how an unwanted attacker would gain unauthorized access to the system.
申请公布号 AU2213800(A) 申请公布日期 2000.07.12
申请号 AU20000022138 申请日期 1999.12.22
分类号 G06F1/00;G06F11/14;G06F11/30;H04L29/06 主分类号 G06F1/00
代理机构 代理人