摘要 <p>An electronic price tag is adapted for wireless adjustment, which consists of a display placard mounted to the goods at, for example, a point of manufacture for the goods; a plurality of price display fields on the placard; a receiver/decoder horn mounted to the placard for receiving signals from a remote location and decoding same to be inputted to the price display field. Additionally, the price tag of the present invention permits the retailer to maintain in confidence and secrecy price information pertaining to the specific goods, i.e. the goods are not routed through a supplier or other third parties that would obtain knowledge of the retailer's pricing-strategy. The price tag of the present invention is also provided with a transponder to confirm receipt and acceptance of pricing information generated from the remote location so that inventory control can be conducted at a selected period of time or with respect to any price adjustment to the goods. The price display fields are electronic, such as liquid crystal display (LCDs) or electronic ink.</p>
申请公布号 WO1999062269(A2) 申请公布日期 1999.12.02
申请号 US1999011951 申请日期 1999.05.29
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人