摘要 <p>An apparatus and method for enlargement of soft tissue, such as breast, including a vessel or dome configured to fit over the tissue which is to be enhanced or enlarged. The dome or vessel has a sealing cushion of elastic material which surrounds and encompasses the perimeter of the base of the vessel. The cushion includes a fluid compartment which is compressible. The fluid compartment is deformable such that when the vacuum is applied to the sphere, the seal material and compartment deform, isolate, and diffuse the pressure on the skin. The apparatus also includes a vacuum pump with a power source, a pressure sensor to regulate the pressure, or vacuum provided by the pump. The dome also includes a valve mechanism for controlling the ingress and egress of the vacuum to the interior of the dome. This valve will automatically close so that the pump may be removed from the dome and the pressure or vacuum therein be maintained. This valve also includes a release mechanism to remove or exhaust the vacuum in case of discomfort or emergency. The domes may also have different configurations, including rectangular, though normally they will remain as a sphere to maximize and equalize the augmentation of the flesh or tissue within the confines of the dome. The dome also is formed with a footed rim which is embedded in a deformable elastic cushion with a fluid pocket to augment the deformation and consequent reduction in the per square inch pressure applied to the tissue of the wearer.</p>
申请公布号 WO1999008647(A1) 申请公布日期 1999.02.25
申请号 US1998016136 申请日期 1998.07.31
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人