摘要 <p>A device for word processing is designed, when inputting characters, to automatically and in real time suggest a probable continuation of the formed combination of characters to a user. The word-processing device comprises an input unit (I), a first memory unit (M1) for storing of input characters, a display unit (D), a second memory unit (M2) and a comparator unit (C). When inputting a character in the first memory unit (M1), the comparator unit (C) compares the combination of characters created in the first memory unit (M1) with a word bank which is stored in the second memory unit (M2). The comparator unit (C) selects a word from the word bank, which is suggested to the user via the display unit (D). The comparator unit (C) is activatable to create or update, in the second memory unit (M2), the word bank based on the words in the first memory unit (M1), or in some other memory unit, whereupon the words in the second memory unit (M2) are sorted according to their priority value. The priority value of a word in the second memory unit (M2) is calculated on the basis of the number of presences of this word in the first memory unit (M1), or in some other memory unit.</p>
申请公布号 WO1997046951(A1) 申请公布日期 1997.12.11
申请号 SE1997000984 申请日期 1997.06.04
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人