摘要 <p>An improved keyboard comprises a number of keys superimposed on which is a grid (the KeyGuide) which is used to display on a display such as a VDU screen the actions of each of the keys and each time one of a set of keys is pressed it can change the actions of the other keys. The KeyGuide can represent a single key as an icon or a group of the keys or all of the keys, with each key action being identified by its relative position. By using a PageSelect key the number of keys easily accessed is greatly increased as they will change the actions of most of the other keys and so cause the display to be updated. The KeyGuide can be embossed for easier use and the invention facilitates an approach to programming where an application is broken down into small blocks which have a small number of options or Processes and from which other tasks can be selected as needed and thus it is possible to have control embedded devices.</p>
申请公布号 WO1997040439(A1) 申请公布日期 1997.10.30
申请号 GB1997001122 申请日期 1997.04.23
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人