发明名称 User interface navigational system and method for interactive representation of information contained within a database
摘要 A system for interactive, dynamic, three-dimensional presentation of a database's structure allows the user to efficiently navigate through the database to examine the desired information. The present system graphically depicts the organization of the information base as "molecules" consisting of structured parallel "threads" of connected nodes each encompassing a specific aspect of the overall database. Within a given thread, the component nodes, which share a commonality of subject, are arranged in a natural, linear progression which reflects the organizational structure of the information subject represented by the thread, thereby providing the user with a visual guide suggesting the appropriate sequence of nodes to be viewed. By providing a hierarchical representation of the organizational structure of the entire database, the present navigational system provides the user with both the "position" of the information unit being currently examined relative to the remainder of the database, as well as the information regarding the overall size and complexity of the database. The present system also provides the user with the capability to define one or more "customized" navigation "paths" over the database, as well as copy and modify existing units of information.
申请公布号 AU2428397(A) 申请公布日期 1997.10.17
申请号 AU19970024283 申请日期 1997.03.25
分类号 G06F3/033;G06F3/048;G06F17/30 主分类号 G06F3/033
代理机构 代理人