发明名称 Rate gyro error correction and use as heading source
摘要 A simple accelerometer economically corrects the output of a yaw rate transducer for (a) vibration-induced noise and (b) aircraft bank angle (e.g., by using the accelerometer to measure apparent gravity forces which are a function of aircraft bank angle) to create a heading source. The exemplary embodiment utilizes a programmed digital signal processor in conjunction with suitable transducers and may be installed in an aircraft for measuring heading changes of banked and turning aircraft in flight (typically used by aircraft navigation and/or whether display apparatus). A long-running (e.g., continuous) integrator is used in a current balance circuit to provide enhanced measurement precision. Severely limited dynamic range of periodic heading change update signals for use in generating an error-compensation signal greatly reduces the influence of turbulence-induced errors and acts to continually increase the rate of convergence to true aircraft heading change outputs. Transducer offset measure and compensation is preferably operated at a first relatively high aggressive rate at instrument turn-on conditions when the aircraft is assumed to be stationary and then at a slower less aggressive rate thereafter.
申请公布号 US5654906(A) 申请公布日期 1997.08.05
申请号 US19950498882 申请日期 1995.07.06
分类号 G05D1/08;(IPC1-7):G06F7/70 主分类号 G05D1/08
代理机构 代理人