摘要 <p>A generally triangular nose protection device has lateral edges of equal length. Its lower and upper edges are circular in order to conform to the shape of the nose. An adhesive strip is attached to the two sides so as to retain the device in position. The material is flexible enough to allow for perfect adherence of the device to the nose on which it is worn, so that it conforms to the nose both lengthwise and widthwise, without interfering with the breathing process, thus protecting the entire nose surface. The adhesive strips provided on the two lateral edges support fixedly the device (fig. 3). They are made of a material containing an antiseptic and an anti-allergic agent, so that they avoid any risk of infection and allergies. They are further made from a non-flammable material, do not deform and do not melt, thus preventing any risk of burning. The nose protection device is provided in two standard sizes and can be worn on any type of nose.</p>
申请公布号 WO1997006762(A1) 申请公布日期 1997.02.27
申请号 FR1996001275 申请日期 1996.08.09
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人