发明名称 High flow, low intensity plate for disc refiner
摘要 The refiner plate for a low consistency pulp refiner has a multiplicity of curved bars or zig-zag bars, or a combination of the two. The operation of a disc refiner causes a rapid and frequent flexure over a brief time period of the individual fibers in a pulp mass, with the result that the bond between the various concentric lamellae comprising an individual fiber are broken down or delaminated to a controlled, desired extent. The individual bars which traverse a surface of the rotating and fixed plates dissipate the power supplied by the central shaft to the rotating plate. The multiplicity of curved bars or zig-zag bars, or a combination of the two have a longer bar length, and therefore lower the power dissipation per bar and per bar unit length. The flow of pulp containing the fiber also generally follows the channels between the bars so that longer bar path length results in longer residence time. Thus, the result of curved or zig-zag bars is a more gentle refining action which continues over a longer time. Curving the refiner bars causes them to function better as a pump.
申请公布号 US5425508(A) 申请公布日期 1995.06.20
申请号 US19940197918 申请日期 1994.02.17
分类号 B02C7/12;(IPC1-7):B02C7/12 主分类号 B02C7/12
代理机构 代理人