发明名称 Muscle control and monitoring system
摘要 Apparatus and method for monitoring the performance of skeletal muscle used in a skeletal muscle powered cardiac assist system. The longest term monitoring is performed by an oxygen sensor which determines the adequacy of circulatory support to the skeletal muscle. An adequately supported skeletal muscle can offer the desired cardiac assistance chronically. Insufficient support indicates that the skeletal muscle will easily fatigue if adequate vascularization is not achieved. If the circulatory support is chronically insufficient, the risk of ischemia becomes high and additional surgical intervention may be required. A somewhat shorter term concern is the adequacy of the conditioning needed to render a fast twitch skeletal muscle useful in assisting the slow twitch myocardium. A pressure transducer is used to measure conditioning sufficiency. A third type of monitoring provides an indication of changes in cardiac requirements utilizing an activity sensor. This indication of cardiac requirements may be used to vary skeletal muscle loading by adjusting duty cycle. The shortest term monitoring and control technique uses a temperature sensor to monitor efficiency skeletal muscle cardiac assist. Efficiency may be improved by adjusting the phase relationship between cardiac contraction and skeletal muscle stimulation.
申请公布号 US5358519(A) 申请公布日期 1994.10.25
申请号 US19930092180 申请日期 1993.07.15
分类号 A61M1/10;A61M1/12;A61N1/36;A61N1/365;(IPC1-7):A61M1/10 主分类号 A61M1/10
代理机构 代理人