发明名称 Radon gas evacuation system and method
摘要 An apparatus for removing gas from above a floor slab of the interior living space of a structure to the juncture of the floor slab and a foundation wall, down along the foundation wall to and over a footing to below the floor slab. The apparatus includes providing an opening which communicates from the top of the floor slab at the juncture of the floor slab and foundation wall, down along the foundation wall to said footing and extending away from the foundation wall over the footing to at least the distance the footing extends from the foundation wall. Further, this apparatus includes a device for imparting a partial vacuum in the opening to draw gas from above the floor slab to below the floor slab in association with the opening means. In addition a method is provided having the steps of placing an opening between the top of the floor slab to below the floor slab and imparting a partial vacuum to said opening to draw gas from the top of the floor slab to below the floor slab.
申请公布号 US5288268(A) 申请公布日期 1994.02.22
申请号 US19920835227 申请日期 1992.02.13
分类号 E02D31/00;F24F7/06;(IPC1-7):F24F11/00 主分类号 E02D31/00
代理机构 代理人