摘要 <p>A fuel injection apparatus (8) for a vehicle (10) includes a throttel body (130) having an air flow passage (136, 138) extending therethrough with a throttle plate mounted in the passage. At least one fuel injector (114, 116) is mounted below the throttle plate and above the intake manifold of the engine for cyclically injecting fuel into the air flow passage extending between the throttle body and the inlet of the intake manifold. A full time, closed loop feedback control system monitors exhaust gas content and adjusts the fuel flow based on the measured air/fuel ratio. A tank (20, 22,24) storing gaseous fuel at a high pressure is connected to the fuel injector via fluid flow conduits. An annular recess (40) is formed on at least one location on the side wall of the tank. Annular shoulders (42, 44) are disposed on opposite sides of the recess (40) and extend outward above the side wall of the tank.</p>
申请公布号 WO1993017235(A1) 申请公布日期 1993.09.02
申请号 US1993001497 申请日期 1993.02.19
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人