发明名称 The invention relates to a reactor vessel for the purpose of maintaining, enlarging and making commercial use of a small black hole (or ball lightning)
摘要 The invention relates to a reactor vessel for the purpose of maintaining, enlarging and making commercial use of a small black hole (or ball lightning). Proof of the existence of black holes, and studies of their properties, have been provided and described by Stephen Hawking, inter alia in his book "The Universe" (1988) ISBN 9035110064, and by John Boslaugh's book titled "Stephen Hawking's Universe" (1990) ISBN 903510885x. An important phenomenon associated with so-called miniature black holes is Hawking radiation. This radiation consists, inter alia, of an outwardly directed flux of electrons and an inwardly directed flux of antiparticles, the positrons, and also of gamma and X-ray radiation arising from the annihilation of the two particles, when they come into contact with one another. Hawking has calculated that a miniature black hole having a mass of a milliard tonnes will have a core diameter equal to that of a proton, 10-13cm, and an electrical power of 6000 megawatts. (See ISBN 903510885x, p.75). The purpose of the reactor vessel is to exploit the electrical power produced outside the observation horizon of the black hole by conducting the electron flux on the one hand and the positron flux on the other hand in such a way that an inexhaustible D.C. energy can be obtained and utilized. At the same time, by asymmetrically positioning a heavy mass outside the vessel it is possible to generate a mechanical perpetuum mobile. This reactor vessel, not requiring external energy, may be of great use as a generator of electrical energy, as a motor and even as a heat source.
申请公布号 NL9200267(A) 申请公布日期 1993.09.01
申请号 NL19920000267 申请日期 1992.02.14
分类号 H02N11/00;(IPC1-7):G21C1/00 主分类号 H02N11/00
代理机构 代理人