发明名称 Plate brake tester apparatus and method
摘要 The brakes of a two-axle vehicle are tested by weighing the vehicle and measuring the braking forces for both axles to determine the actual ratio of front axle braking force to total braking force. The deceleration applied to the vehicle is determined from the weight of the vehicle and the applied braking forces. A nominal preferred value of the ratio of front axle braking force to total braking force is calculated from the determined deceleration and the measured weight of the vehicle. The nominal preferred value varies from test to test with both the actual deceleration and the vehicle weight. For each test, upper and lower limits for the acceptability of the actual ratio of front axle braking force to total braking force are set based upon the computed nominal preferred value. These limits move from test to test with the computed nominal preferred value. The nominal preferred value, the movable limits, and the actual ratio are displayed to the user on a CRT screen. The actual ratio is displayed in the form of a bar on the screen, with the limits and nominal preferred value displayed as non-numeric indicia along the longitudinal axis of the bar.
申请公布号 US5230242(A) 申请公布日期 1993.07.27
申请号 US19910806138 申请日期 1991.12.12
分类号 G01L5/28 主分类号 G01L5/28
代理机构 代理人