发明名称 Improvements and methods for obtaining them, applied to parachute and parapont aerofoils (canopies)
摘要 The device provided for improving the reliability in flight and transient regimes consists: Of surfaces or bands for reinforcement and smoothing, at least on the interbox sections and/or on the wing span, in particular for the attachments In prestressing, at least by cable, of the trailing edge, attenuating the "lung" effect In programming of the boxes, in order that they tend towards an internal transfer at constant airspeed Of partially mobile application-point solutions of the resulting strands of pyramidal connections Of solutions of distributing the said resulting strands on a set of bars, contributing to improvement of the profile without enlarging the suspension cone, and to countering the angular acceleration effect, whilst facilitating relative displacement of the centre of gravity Of the possibility of selectively acting on some of the anchored suspension lines so that either the penetration or the fall rate is improved Of a shock-absorber addition to the suspension lines, which furthermore protects the pilot. <IMAGE>
申请公布号 FR2676985(A1) 申请公布日期 1992.12.04
申请号 FR19910006697 申请日期 1991.05.30
分类号 B64C31/036;B64D17/02 主分类号 B64C31/036
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