发明名称 Soil remediation method and apparatus
摘要 The invention provides an apparatus for removing VOC's from soil, particularly soil contaminated with gasoline, diesel fuel, or the like. The apparatus includes a burner-heated drum for substantially vaporizing the VOC's (the drum desirably is of the type used in hot mix asphalt plants, to which the apparatus of the invention is particularly suited to be adapted). The vaporized VOC's are then ducted to an air scrubber where the VOC's are substantially entirely absorbed into the scrubber water, along with any airborne soil particulates. The VOC and particulate-laden water is then conducted to a settling basin where the particulates are allowed to settle out. Particulate-free VOC-laden water is withdrawn from the basin and transported to an air stripper where the VOC's are vaporized. The vaporized VOC's are then conducted to the drum burner, where they are burned to help heat the drum and additional soil that is being processed. The air stripper water, from which the VOC's have been removed, is returned to a clean water reservoir for re-use in the air scrubber. The VOC's act as a partial fuel source for the drum burner, and are disposed of without the need for carbon filtration or expensive afterburners. Water used in the scrubber, settling basin and stripper can be recycled through a clean water reservoir.
申请公布号 US5148757(A) 申请公布日期 1992.09.22
申请号 US19910773246 申请日期 1991.10.09
分类号 B09C1/06;F02B3/06;F23G5/027;F23G7/14 主分类号 B09C1/06
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