发明名称 Fire detection and automatic and/or manual fire extinguishing system for automotive units.
摘要 A system which is designed to be installed in every kind of automotive unit -- and also, with some modifications, in immovable areas -- in order to cover it by fire detection and fire extinguishing in any case of fire outbreak. The system as a whole consists of two or more subsystems which can operate even independently from one another. The system can be put into operation: a. Fully automatically by means of sensors-detectors (D1,D2...) or, in case of a collision, by means of a special adjustable inertia switch (S2). b. Semi-automatically, by pressing a button (S1,B2). c. Via remote control (RC2). d. Fully manually (SM,SV1,SV2). When the whole system or one of its subsystems is put into operation, the following actions are executed simultaneously: a. Electric power supply to all electrical loads is disconnected. b. Fuel supply to the engine is shut off (SV3,SV4). c. The areas covered by the system are sprayed with fire extinguishing liquid. d. Visual (L1,2) and acoustic (BZ1,2) signals are produced, indicating the system operation. <IMAGE>
申请公布号 EP0487445(A1) 申请公布日期 1992.05.27
申请号 EP19910600010 申请日期 1991.10.07
分类号 A62C3/07 主分类号 A62C3/07
代理机构 代理人