发明名称 Digital image scaling by stepwise pixel movement
摘要 Apparatus and accompanying method(s) digitally scaling, particularly reducing, an original image to yield a scaled image particularly suited for display by a document workstation in an image management system as one image in a composite multi-image display. Reduction scaling is achieved by mapping source pixels into destination pixels. Specifically, a reduced image is produced by moving through a source image by increments of a single full pixel with corresponding movement through a destination image in fractional movements in order to define corresponding pairs of pixel coordinate addresses in both images, i.e. one pixel coordinate address in the original image and a corresponding pixel coordinate address in the enlarged image. Once a pair of these addresses is defined, a current pixel in the enlarged image is set to the value of its corresponding pixel in the source image, with both of these pixels being defined by the integer values of their associated coordinate addresses. To digitally enlarge (magnify) the source image, incremental movement occurs on a pixel-by-pixel basis, both horizontally and vertically, in an enlarged image with fractional movement, in either both directions depending upon the desired scale factors, occurring in the source image. Given these incremental movements, the pixel values that occur at successive integer pixel coordinate addresses in the source image are merely copied, i.e. replicated, rather than mapped into corresponding integer pixel coordinate locations in the enlarged image.
申请公布号 US5113455(A) 申请公布日期 1992.05.12
申请号 US19900486645 申请日期 1990.02.27
分类号 G06T3/40 主分类号 G06T3/40
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