发明名称 Process and equipment for preparation and cooking of edible materials.
摘要 This invention relates to processes and equipment for preparation and cooking of edible materials, particularly for the automatic slicing and deep drying of vegetables, especially potatoes, to form crisps. The procedure comprises the steps of forming unwashed and undried slices of the edible material, individually feeding the slices without washing and drying into a bath of hot cooking oil, when said slices subsequently float to the surface of the oil due to the formation of steam bubbles on the slices forcibly submerging the slices in said hot cooking oil for a further period in which cooking of the slices is substantially completed to give the slices a crisp consistency, and finally removing the cooked slices from the cooking oil and dipensing the cooked slices. The equipment comprises slicing means, a bath for containing hot cooking oil, heating means for maintaining the cooking oil at a required temperature, slice feeding means for individually feeding the unwashed and undried slices into said bath, and slice handling means for forcibly submerging slices and maintaining submersion of the slices and for finally removed cooked slices from the cooking oil and dispensing the cooked slices.
申请公布号 OA9187(A) 申请公布日期 1992.03.31
申请号 OA19900059764 申请日期 1990.04.03
分类号 A23L5/10;A23L19/18;A47J37/12 主分类号 A23L5/10
代理机构 代理人