发明名称 Activating method and system for controlling multiple electrically-energized factory tools
摘要 The activating method and system control multiple electrically-energized machine tools in a factory, such as electromagnetic punch presses, spot welders, elevator motors or other large motors, etc. for preventing simultaneous actuation for avoiding power surges, thus avoiding peaking of electrical loading on factory facilities. Adequate available electrical power is assured at the instant of actuation of each tool. Each tool has a microprocessor-controlled energizing switch with sensors indicating when the tool is "ready" to be actuated (fired). The microprocessor controllers are connected in a permission-signal-passing ring. The permission signal being passed is a low voltage signal of positive or negative polarity. A prime controller always passes a signal of opposite polarity from that most recently received. Each other controller always passes a signal of the same polarity as most recently received. A tool obtains permission to fire when an input signal is of opposite polarity from the most recently transmitted output signal, thus showing that permission has been passed completely around the ring. During firing of a tool, its controller refrains from passing permission, thus no other tool can receive permission to fire during permitted operation of any tool. If a permitted tool is not "ready" , permission is immediately passed. A machine tool is prioritized relative to other tools by setting numbers of received permissions to fire before being allowed to fire. During counting of received permission signals, a tool continues to pass permission signals without firing, until its prioritized count is reached.
申请公布号 US5058028(A) 申请公布日期 1991.10.15
申请号 US19890447107 申请日期 1989.12.06
分类号 G05B19/418 主分类号 G05B19/418
代理机构 代理人