发明名称 Method and apparatus for determining partitioning of borehole and formation constituents
摘要 Methods and apparatus are disclosed for producing an indication of the partition between a borehole and a formation of the constituents identified by means of a nuclear investigation. A borehole logging sonde containing a pulsed neutron source and a gamma radiation detector traverses the borehole and resulting capture gamma rays are detected and counted according to energy in each of two time gates. The resulting energy spectra are analyzed to determine the type and relative gamma ray yield of each constituent of the borehole and formation. A characteristic neutron capture decay time constant for each constituent is derived from the yields and total gamma ray counts in the two time gates, and time constants for the borehole and formation overall are set equal to the derived time constants for constituents, such as iron and silicon, occurring predominantly in the borehole and formation respectively. The partition of the remaining constituents is then determined by considering the characteristic time constant for each constituent to be the sum of the time constants for the borehole and formation regions weighted by the proportion of that constituent in each region, the borehole and formation time constants being assumed the same for all constituents and the sum of the proportions being unity.
申请公布号 US4788424(A) 申请公布日期 1988.11.29
申请号 US19850728068 申请日期 1985.04.29
分类号 G01V5/10;(IPC1-7):G01V5/00 主分类号 G01V5/10
代理机构 代理人