发明名称 Auto-portrait photo studio.
摘要 <p>A method and system (including a unique arrangement of computer and photographic apparatus) for automated or computer-aided portrait photography. The method and system utilize an automatic, between-the-lens 35mm camera including auto-wind, auto-focus and auto-exposure features. A beam splitter (19) behind the camera lens captures a part of the image-forming light reflected from the portrait subject to provide a video pickup charge coupled device (20) with an exact color video image of the subject as seen by the camera. On the outside of the camera housing a flat screen video viewfinder (29) is provided which permits the operator (portrait photographer) to view the image which is being received by the video pickup device. The camera and overall system components are interfaced with and connected to a microprocessor (31) and are controlled by the flash circuitry of the camera. When the operator is satisfied with the subject's appearance and pose (as seen through the video viewfinder), press-button action trips the camera shutter for exposure of a frame of film, actuates the flash circuitry of the camera firing flash lighting apparatus and directs (through the microprocessor) the electronic storage (via solid state memory) of a video image identical to the image captured by the camera film. The stored video image can be outputed to a video portrait viewer (44) (CRT screen) for subject viewing. The portrait viewer can also be utilized to display a multiplicity of the capture (stored) video images (each representing a film frame) for subject selection.</p>
申请公布号 EP0269022(A2) 申请公布日期 1988.06.01
申请号 EP19870117163 申请日期 1987.11.20
分类号 G03B15/00;G03B17/53;H04N1/21;H04N1/32;H04N7/18 主分类号 G03B15/00
代理机构 代理人