发明名称 Teaching machine
摘要 A system comprised of a personal computer controlling a tape recorder and connected to a telephone line providing the capability to deliver programmed instruction over the telephone. The caller listens to instructions and then questions from the tape. He speaks his response after the tape has stopped and then hears the correct answer played from the tape. If the caller's response was correct, he dials a 1 on his telephone and dials a 0 if his answer was incorrect. The next question and answer are then played. If his previous answer was incorrect, then after the next question and answer sequence, the tape is rewound to the question that was answered incorrectly and the same is replayed. The computer may be programmed to return to questions previously answered incorrectly any number of times during the lesson. The system is particularly suited for instruction in foreign languages but other subject matter may also be taught.
申请公布号 US4643682(A) 申请公布日期 1987.02.17
申请号 US19850732938 申请日期 1985.05.13
分类号 G09B7/08;(IPC1-7):G09B7/06 主分类号 G09B7/08
代理机构 代理人